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Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR)

Here we are. And here we shall live our entire lives. Born, grown, experienced, dead. All on this small sphere amongst many spheres, in the tail of a galaxy amongst uncountable galaxies, in an unpredictable and infinite expanse of space. What is it that we have done with ourselves to be worthy of the great honor of existing in this absolute perfect environment? Today we find ourselves on the brink of the destruction of all the beauty that we have been witness to. Whether human beings survive is not the issue. The issue is that, while we are here, will we act and exist in a way that is beneficial to life, Beauty, Joy, and fulfillment. If we choose to exist in a good way with the Earth and with our fellows, and with every kind of life, then we would enjoy our life. We would live in a Beauty that could not be diminished by death.

Here we are. Diminished by our choices, rather than empowered and encouraged by them. The world is listening to the voices of a million tyrants, oppressors, thieves, murderers, slavers, and pedophiles, but forgetting to listen to the wise call of the Elders of our species. We have built giant structures, but have grown small amongst them. We have created intelligent technology, but have lost deeper understanding and our individual and collective moral discernment, and thus we use that technology to oppress ourselves. We have increased our population exponentially in a short time, only to see enslavement and apathy become standardized and emphasized and dis-ease to become a normality.

We arrived here due largely to the centralization of power and the lack of concern from that power for the wellbeing of the population. The creation of fear to guide public responses to favorable outcomes for select individuals has become standard operating procedure. As the use of fear as a tool for personal gain has increased momentum and as technology has been produced that facilitates that process, the success of the individual cells that seek for exclusive profit has been up to this moment ensured.

It is in this moment that we have the opportunity to observe and alter our personal lives to become truly free from the influence of these parasitic individuals that seek power through our obeisance. The blueprint for this is what the Buddha called “right knowledge”. Right knowledge has nothing to do with intellectualizing morality, but rather is involved in functionality. What is considered moral is a construct of societally applied ethical ideals. This does not actually indicate anything other than at some point a group of individuals agreed upon a system of rights and wrongs. In the evolution of consciousness, morality and the construct of society evolves as well. To observe and relate our observations to our character and behaviors is the process of becoming an individualized consciousness, or to be self-aware. When we are aware of the meaning and source of our actions, we are able to alter our patterns of life to beneficial systems. With this in mind, we can discuss the technology that is being utilized by governments and industries and which is the most prevalent and sinister tool of control in existence today.

One of the newest, most pervasive stressors is now electropollution radiation. Medical researchers estimate that 90% of all illness and disease is stress-related. -Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Electropollution radiation is a softening of the term Extremely Low Frequency/Non-Ionizing Electro-Magnetic Radiation. We are talking about microwave radiation here. We are talking about the cell phone towers and panels that are populating schools, hospitals, and homes. We are talking about microwave ovens and televisions and wifi boxes and cell phones that are carried near the testicles and placed on the head and Bluetooth in the ear and computers on the lap and iPads marketed to infants and baby monitors and even refrigerators. All of these devices transmit and receive radiation that is harmful to the human being and all other life.

Many people now say… that is pseudoscience… that is quackery…. I’m an engineer and that is not the way it works… I’m a biologist and that is not the science I learned in school… I’m a medical doctor and I can name a thousand pharmaceuticals and their symptoms but don’t know what a healthy diet consists of because we only spent one day on diet in Medical School.

So… to all of you who doubt I say… How many years of physics have you taken? How keen is your understanding of the nature of the body and its functions? How much time and attention have you dedicated to experiential learning of this topic in particular to have an opinion on it?

For the most part, especially in the U.S.A., there is an enormous amount of opinions on all subjects and not enough experience to back the opinion. I agree with Dr. Deitrich Klinghardt that it is mostly fathers, with little or no understanding of physics and that have the strongest opinions. In fact, those with the most experience often have the most open and skeptical views on that which they study. I ask anyone who has a strong RE-action to what I’ve said to monitor and observe sincerely their belief structure and how they came to the opinions they carry.

As far as the technology as its effects…

In the last 30 years, there have been over 6000 peer reviewed studies that show harm from EMR. More and more countries, especially in Europe, are increasing restrictions on the marketing, use in schools and public places, and distribution of devices that emit EMR. Sweden and France in particular have restricted use of wifi and cell phones, especially with children, preferring to use the faster and more secure optic fiber LAN connection.

“Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure and produces a biochemical stress response.” -Dr. Reba Goodman, PhD, Columbia University

The stress response the body produces when confronted with non-ionizing radiation occurs in a series of events. Firstly, the colloidal osmotic pressure of the blood plasma increases which forces red blood cells to become less mobile and begin clumping together in Rouleaux patterns. That is, they begin to stack like coins. The small capillaries that feed the tissues of the body can only accommodate single red blood cells at a time, and thus are incapable of allowing passage, leading to lack of necessary oxygen to those tissues. In addition to the lack of oxygenation to those tissues, the red blood cells are incapable of removing the waste product, CO2, Carbon Dioxide, and thus waste builds in the tissues. This process and the resultant stagnation in the body is a precursor to cancer and as the CDC has stated, “90% of all illness and disease”.

 So imagine you are sitting, streaming videos for 15 or so minutes with your laptop on your lap. Sure, it’s only 15 minutes. There can’t possibly be harm in that…

Well, it turns out that even just being near to the wifi connected laptop is harmful. Having it on your lap is more like microwaving your testicles in a microwave oven. By the way, your microwave oven isn’t so great either. In actuality, you are denaturing your food, and altering the molecular makeup of the thing you are ingesting. In essence, when you have completed your microwaving, you are not eating food at all anymore, but something that looks like food. On the molecular and cellular level, you are eating a waste product. Back to the testicles. In the last 20 years, testicular cancer has increased by 50% -Safe Wireless Initiative. What else has happened in the last 20 years? Cell phones in pockets and laptops with wifi perhaps? Sperm count decreases and the motility of sperm also decreases as mutations in mitochondria are prevalent in men who wear cell phones on a belt, in a pocket, or anywhere near the groin.

What else? In the Corporation that is the United States of America there are around 320,000,000 people. National Cancer Institute statistical reports of 2015 say that the probability of dying from cancer in USA is 20.7% and probability of developing cancer is 39.7%. Around 2/3 of people who have cancer survive 5 years. There are no NCI stats for those who survive 10 years or more. So, around 124,000,000 people in USA will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and 38,000,000 of them will die within 5 years. These numbers are unprecedented. When did cancer become such a prevalent factor in the lives of people? The past 30 years, while we’ve been increasing our non-ionizing radiation technology. And now, we are marketing and designing them for infants. Cribs and playpens with tablets… This is torture and this is genocide.

If I have your attention, let me just say… research this on your own. Be unbiased, and look at the research and who’s funding it. Is it the Telecommunications Industry, largest lobbying group in the world, or the privately funded study of notable scholars and scientists, conducted openly and peer reviewed? See the larger picture.

If you don’t want to do the research for yourself, just don’t believe anything. Make experience your guide. Try leaving your technology for a week, and see how you feel. Get a necklace of Rew Elite Shungite from Russia and wear it. Try orgonite.

More than anything else. Limit in any way use of wireless technology. Bring back LAN fiber optic connections, which are faster and more reliable.


Many blessings my family.



Energy      Forgiveness

Beauty      Courage

Truth         Patience

Harmony   Joy

Peace       Fortitude

Love         Gratitude

Light        Humility







"The individual is handicapped, by coming face-to-face, with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists. The American mind, simply has not come to a realization of the evil, which has been introduced into our midst . . . It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy, which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."

---FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, 1956



Teenagers talk on cell phones an average of 2600 minutes per month. -Safe Wireless Initiative study conducted in Buffalo, N.Y. in early 2005


The prominent Karolinska Institute of Sweden and Wayne State University, United States, 2007 research study warned that children and teenagers who use their phones late at night are risking lack of proper deep REM sleep which has the potential to alter their moods and lead to personality changes, ADHD-like symptoms, depression, lack of concentration and poor academic performance.

-Arnetz BB, Akerstedt T, Hillert L, Lowden A, Kuster N, Wiholm C. The effects of 884 Mhz GSM wireless communication signals on self reported symptom and sleep. An experimental provocation study, 2007.


"The concern is that children are more susceptible to genetic damage because the tissues in their brains and bodies are still growing and their cells are rapidly dividing. Damage to the genetic material in growing cells can lead to disruption of cellular function, cell death, the development of tumors and damage to the immune and nervous systems."

 -Dr. George Carlo, Chief Scientist of the world`s largest research effort into wireless safety.


Dr. Leif Salford and his group of Swedish researchers found that cell phone radiation cause, at any levels, significant blood brain barrier leakage. The blood brain barrier is a structure whose function is to protect the sensitive neurological tissues of the brain. Salford also found that there is "Direct evidence that radio-frequency EMFs cause neuronal damage in the cortex, the hippocampus and the basal ganglia in the brain" These areas have a definite effect on memory function. This is consistent with the results of other researchers who have found significant alteration or disruption of electrical activity and/or blood flow in the brain caused by the electromagnetic fields from cellular phones.

 -Dr. Howard W. Fisher



French Government Bans Advertising of Mobiles To Children

New limits will be placed on radiation levels amid fears of increased risk of cancer from phone use

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

Sunday, 11 January 2009


New laws cracking down on children's use of mobile phones are to be introduced in France amid growing fears that they may cause cancer and other diseases.

All advertising of the devices to children under 12 is to be prohibited under the legislation - announced by the Environment Minister, Jean-Louis Borloo, last week - and he will also take powers to ban the sale of any phone designed to be used by those under six.

The French government will also introduce new limits for radiation from the phones and make it compulsory for handsets to be sold with earphones, so that users can avoid irradiating their heads and brains. And one of the country's largest cities last month started an advertising campaign to discourage the use of the phones by children.

The clampdown represents the most comprehensive action yet taken by any government worldwide. It contrasts sharply with the stance of British ministers, who have largely ignored the recommendations of an official report nine years ago that people aged under 16 should be discouraged from using mobiles, and that the industry should be stopped from promoting them to children. Since then their use by the young has almost doubled, so that nine out of 10 of the country's 16-year-olds own a handset.

Swedish research indicates that children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use the phones, causing some experts to predict an "epidemic" of the disease among today's young people in later life. But consideration of the threat to them has been specifically excluded from Britain's official £3.1m investigation into the risk of cancer from mobiles.

The French ministry warned that "mobile phone use is increasing at a rapid pace among youths", and warns that the young may be "more sensitive because their bodies are still developing". Children's heads are smaller and their skulls thinner.

Lyon, France's second city, launched an advertising campaign before Christmas aimed at dissuading people from buying mobiles for children as presents, with the slogan "Let's keep them healthy, away from mobile phones!"

A year ago France's official Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety said that parents should not give small children mobiles. And France's Health Ministry urged using them in moderation.

The French legislation is the latest evidence of growing official alarm at the hazards of the radiation caused by mobile phone use. In September, the European Parliament voted 522 to 16 to urge ministers across Europe to bring in stricter radiation limits, and the European Environment Agency has also issued a warning.

Toronto's Department of Public Health has advised that children under eight should only use mobiles in emergencies and teenagers should limit calls to less than 10 minutes. The Russian Ministry of Health says that young people under 18 should not use the devices, and Israel's Health Ministry has also advised caution.

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